Their Very Own “Re-Do”

Staff across all Back2Back sites go through extensive trauma-informed care training. This allows everyone who interacts with children and who shares stories or videos on their behalf understand what vulnerable populations need most.

Staff across all Back2Back sites go through extensive trauma-informed care training. This allows everyone who interacts with children and who shares stories or videos on their behalf understand what vulnerable populations need most. 

Recently, staff at a partnering children’s home in Monterrey recommitted their desire to learning more and going deeper as trauma-informed teachers, psychologists, staff, and caregivers. Staff member, Jordan Cobos, started leading Trauma training twice a month on January 19th, and is focusing all of 2023 on empowering the caregivers and staff with tangible, real-life skills to use that very day with the children in their care.

“Each of the skills they learn will be focused on one of the three main Trauma Competent Care principles: connect, empower, or correct,” explained Jordan.

Her most recent lesson with caregivers was learning and exhibiting a correcting skill: the Re-Do. This gives children a second chance to adjust their words or actions, while also creating new motor memories and appropriate behaviors. Staff were so inspired and encouraged by this new-to-them information.

“The last  home we served at wasn’t necessarily trauma-informed, but we are so excited and grateful to get our own “re-do” as caregivers with the children here,” they shared humbly.

Together, staff, caregivers, and directors are taking accountability and moving toward more trauma-informed care everyday with the vulnerable populations they serve. This is the power of advocacy, support, and training across all Back2Back sites – children and teens are given focused attention, properly trained staff members, and the ability to learn and grow themselves through safe adults’ example. Sometimes in life, we all need a re-do, and vulnerable children are learning the value of that every day.


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