
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.


A Burr Under My Saddle

Lately, I have been talking to my kids about an outward focused life. Some call it missions, others call it outreach, I am hoping we call it normal. I have been explaining my heart for orphans as a ‘burr under my saddle’.


Equipping Children to be Missional Minded

I was sitting inside an orphanage in Mazatlan, Mexico this past week and listening to the directors of that home lament their older kids are too focused on their own needs, and not aware enough of the suffering of others.


Marathon, by Mandy Lail

This summer, I was often asked by mission trip guests, “What does a typical day look like in a Teen Home of the Hope Program?” Wow, the best answer is actually…  “There is no typical day – each one is a new adventure!” As you can imagine, it’s semi-controlled chaos in a teen home on… Read more

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