
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.

AllIndiaInspirational LivingSponsor a ChildStoriesUncategorized

When He Provides a Way

Mariah slowly opens her eyes. Surrounding her, small voices fling hopes high to a Father – and she feels her heartbeat quicken. Ashwini’s black veil carefully covers both her head and Mariah’s, honoring an Indian custom of women covering their faces in prayer. Ashwini prays aloud next to Mariah, praying over her new friend and… Read more

AllIndiaInspirational LivingStoriesUncategorized

A Fearless Faith

Shailaja is a girl coming into her own. Shailaja is a young girl from a hard place, and when she arrived at the Hope Campus, she was quiet and kept to herself. Over time, she is beginning to use her voice in positive and friendly ways. She is a jokester who can, more often than… Read more

AllIndiaInspirational LivingSponsor a ChildStoriesUncategorized

Exporting Influence

Madhu’s eyes glitter when he grins. He laughs musically, the corners of his eyes crinkling, as he speaks eagerly to whomever is around. He pulls people in naturally, without even realizing his capabilities. So it is no surprise he would return to his home village over the long break from school and begin to share… Read more

AllIndiaInspirational LivingStoriesUncategorized

Cultivating Hope

Ravi’s small arms wrap tightly around the two-liter, plastic bottle as he carefully walks across campus toward the flowers. He steps carefully, delicately almost, so as not to let a drop of water drip on the dusty ground. He walks toward Adam’s house first, and then he waters the circular planters with colorful flowers in… Read more


Standing Tall

Sandeep’s palms began to sweat as a friend approached him, cricket ball in hand. Sandeep wiped his brow and tightened the grip on his bat as he waited for the pitch.


Fifteen Cents

Shashikala’s 11th birthday was quickly approaching, a day she had been anticipating for months. Little did she know, her peers at Back2Back’s Suzuki Samuel Campus were secretly planning and saving their allowance to surprise her on her special day.


Sweet Friendship

Joy can be found in the simplest of exchanges. The girls we serve in Hyderabad, India have begun to connect with girls from a nearby village.


Waiting by the Gate

Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. Each afternoon, Back2Back India staff member, Courtney Schreiner, eagerly waits by the gate of the children’s home.

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