
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.
AllIndiaInspirational LivingStoriesUncategorized

A Fearless Faith

Shailaja is a girl coming into her own. Shailaja is a young girl from a hard place, and when she arrived at the Hope Campus, she was quiet and kept to herself. Over time, she is beginning to use her voice in positive and friendly ways. She is a jokester who can, more often than… Read more

AllIndiaInspirational LivingSponsor a ChildStoriesUncategorized

Exporting Influence

Madhu’s eyes glitter when he grins. He laughs musically, the corners of his eyes crinkling, as he speaks eagerly to whomever is around. He pulls people in naturally, without even realizing his capabilities. So it is no surprise he would return to his home village over the long break from school and begin to share… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStoriesUncategorized

To Leave a Mark

The white-walled classroom holds desks with blue seats and small pieces of wood for note taking. To students who attend everyday, it is simply another room allowing them to further their education. To the children of Del Norte, the bright room with the projection screen whispered of future endeavors, of dreams realized, of a new… Read more


Surprised by Hope

We convinced him to spend the three weeks of Christmas vacation with his daughter, and he reluctantly accepted. Now he sat at my kitchen table, like he had done many times before, and I asked the big question.


Superheroes in the Story

Cadereyta is one of the local communities Back2Back serves in Monterrey, Mexico. We hope to encourage family preservation and to that end, we seek to support and strengthen families.


The Promise of Repair

One of the hardest, but best things about taking care of the older girls at Douglas Children’s Home is that I have the privilege of helping care for them during their last few years in the children’s home.


It’s Moving Day!

On my recent trip to India, I won the lottery in regards to timing. Like all construction projects, deadlines are not a science, but a random uncertainty.



Identity. More than a college degree, a good job, or even a stable family, if there is one thing I desire for the children we serve, it is they would know who they are in Christ and stand firm in that identity.


Deeply Loved

We look up from the prayer we shared at the start of the graduation party for Gaby Delgado. She lifts her head and scans the crowd. It’s full of a hundred faces, some of whom have only met Gaby in her most recent years, others of us who have known her all her life.


Seek My Face

Sometimes we go to the mountains for a vacation. Sometimes we go for the adventure of a climb, hike, or zip line. Sometimes we go to connect with nature.

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