
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.
AllHaitiInspirational LivingStoriesUncategorized

Coming Home

Square blankets lie on the floor as carefully folded clothing is stacked in the center. The children gather the goods they possess and set them down carefully around the folded clothing and then slowly gather the corners of the blanket and tie a knot. Today is moving day. New, freshly painted bunk-beds await their sleeping… Read more

AllIndiaInspirational LivingStoriesUncategorized

A Fearless Faith

Shailaja is a girl coming into her own. Shailaja is a young girl from a hard place, and when she arrived at the Hope Campus, she was quiet and kept to herself. Over time, she is beginning to use her voice in positive and friendly ways. She is a jokester who can, more often than… Read more

AllHaitiInspirational LivingStories

Guarding Their Futures

Tutor, a noun, meaning a private teacher, typically one who teaches a single student or a very small group, originates from the Latin word tueri meaning to watch or guard. Tutor is a word, a concept, Back2Back is very passionate about. Our sites believe deeply in the role a tutor plays in the life of… Read more


Color My Heart

There was complete silence as the children swirled paint brushes over paper, pouring out their feelings in vibrant yellows, purples and blues. It was a typical day at the Back2Back Community Center of Tres Reyes – where given the choice between play and paint – the children choose art every time. For children who struggle to express their feelings, art can be a beautiful tool to help them grow and heal.



Three years ago, Kelly and Madame Kelly, Harvest Care Children’s Home Directors, met Josnel for the first time.


Hope for the Future

During my recent visit to Back2Back’s ministry site in Mazatlan, Mexico, I was greeted at the airport by Grant Keys, one of our staff who serves at the site.


Sweet Friendship

Joy can be found in the simplest of exchanges. The girls we serve in Hyderabad, India have begun to connect with girls from a nearby village.


Caring for Caregivers

If you’re a parent or work regularly with children, you may have learned how important it is to take time for yourself to refresh and regroup.


Waiting by the Gate

Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. Each afternoon, Back2Back India staff member, Courtney Schreiner, eagerly waits by the gate of the children’s home.

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