
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.

Talk about Hard Things

I live and work in hard stories. As someone who has been immersed in the orphancare movement for almost 20 years, I am thrilled when a student catches a vision for how God can use him or her in those hard places.


Missional VBS Curriculum

Back2Back Ministries is excited to partner with Standard Publishing to offer a brand new missions-focused VBS for 2014. Through the Jungle Safari VBS students can engage in interactive service opportunities that benefit the orphans Back2Back serves in around the world.


A Burr Under My Saddle

Lately, I have been talking to my kids about an outward focused life. Some call it missions, others call it outreach, I am hoping we call it normal. I have been explaining my heart for orphans as a ‘burr under my saddle’.


A Mission-Focused VBS Curriculum!

Back2Back Ministries is excited to partner with Standard Publishing to offer a brand new service-oriented VBS curriculum for 2013. Through God’s Backyard Bible Camp and the Mission Project Pack students can engage in interactive service opportunities in their own backyard that benefit the orphans Back2Back serves in Mexico.


2013 Children’s Ministry Legacy Award

Special congrats to Beth Guckenberger who was presented with the 2013 International Network of Children’s Ministry Legacy Award for her and Back2Back’s impact on children internationally, last night at the Children’s Pastors’ Conference.

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