Pressing On

Sometimes, in the midst of the holiday busyness, it’s all we can do to press on, moving forward, trusting our legs to pull us ahead when our heart is weary. So we march on, letting hope carry us forward – believing the best is yet to come. Believing God is up to something bigger than our eyes can see. We stand on God’s promise, hopeful and expectant of what is yet to come, as we ring in the New Year.

We look back on all that’s happened in 2015, grateful to serve a God who is big enough to weave a gorgeous tapestry from the loose threads of our lives. This year, together, we celebrate lives changed, milestones met, hearts restored and families transformed. Thank you for being a part of God’s story in the lives of children around the world in 2015. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2016.







