Investing in Haiti’s Future: Local Student Wins Scholarship to Study Education and Leadership

Back2Back Haiti staff recently celebrated a milestone with a young man in the Strong Families program. Peter* is the oldest of four siblings and has worked diligently in school, even through all the disruptions and closings in response to the national turmoil. With his parents’ support, he pushed himself hard to achieve high scores, and now, with the help of a Merit Scholarship, he is able to dream big for his future.

In preparation for his long-term goals, Peter applied for a merit scholarship for Haitian education and leadership. Peter has long been a dedicated student, and he desires to give back to the country he has called home his entire life. This particular scholarship focuses on nationals who wish to remain in-country and give back to Haiti.

We are thrilled to share that Peter was selected for the scholarship and will now be attending university to study education and leadership! He is excited for this opportunity to grow as a young man and to give back to his country and impact its future positively.

Peter, and so many young adults like him, have big dreams and don’t always know how to go about accomplishing them. Merit scholarships are a key way Haitian youth reach new goals and grow steadily toward their dreams. Please join Back2Back in prayer for Peter and the many just like him who see their next steps laid out before them and are preparing to chase after them, one step at a time.


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