One of the greatest weaknesses in global orphan estimates is that they include only orphans that are currently living in homes.  They do not count the estimated 2-8+ million children living in institutions.  Nor do current estimates include the vast number of children who are living on the streets, exploited for labor, victims of trafficking, or participating in armed conflict.

Many of these children who live in orphanages or on the streets are known as “social orphans.” Although one or even both of their parents may be alive, social orphans rarely see their parents or experience life in a family. Some never do. Global orphan statistics shed virtually no light on the reality of the vast number of social orphans who have one or more living parents, yet experience life as if they did not.  (CAFO White Paper: On Understanding Orphan Statistics)

Statistics like those regarding the Orphan Crisis in our world today can feel overwhelming.  As young women, we may be compelled to respond when we learn such information, but wonder what we could possibly do to help.  The good news is we serve a God who loves the orphan and vulnerable child, and has called us to love and serve them as well. If God goes before us and we trust that He is in control, suddenly nothing seems impossible.  He can use one girl, one Troop, or thousands of young women in America to provide hope and a future for orphans and vulnerable children all over the world!

Step 1: Get to know Back2Back Ministries

Back2Back Ministries is an international Christian non-profit organization dedicated to being a voice for orphaned children. We exist to love and care for orphaned and vulnerable children, by meeting their spiritual, physical, educational, emotional and social needs that they might overcome their life circumstances and break free from the cycle of generational poverty.

We long to see sustainability of the orphaned child– orphaned children who grow to be dependent on Jesus, interdependent in their communities, and independent adults.  By providing holistic care, rather than merely meeting physical needs, we can truly help orphaned and vulnerable children experience restoration.

Orphaned and vulnerable children have experienced traumatic events in their lives, such as abandonment, loss, abuse and neglect. These forms of trauma have the potential to impact every developmental area of a growing child. It can change a child at the core of who they are, impacting how they communicate, attach and behave. Due to past trauma, orphaned and vulnerable children have unique needs requiring intentional caregiving strategies.

The children Back2Back serve come from high-risk backgrounds. The journey toward healing can be a challenging one, but it is the goal of Back2Back to lead to the restoration of dignity and hope in every life. When early life trauma is a part of a child’s story, a child is set on a trajectory path leading to behavioral issues well into adulthood. The trajectory can be interrupted with care from trauma-competent caregivers, parents and/or social workers by following two guiding principles:

1. We must empower the child by taking care of their physical needs.
2. We must connect to a child’s heart before we correct and change a child’s behavior.

Step 2: Discover: What does God promise to orphans?

James 1:27 (NLT) says

“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress…”

If you and I want to be serving God purely and genuinely, serving orphans and widows will be a part of our story.  There are millions of orphaned and vulnerable children in our world, but there are billions more of those who are positioned to help them!  Knowing what God has promised to each and every one of those children can help us move forward in hope as we endeavor to help them.


  • Psalm 82:3 – Defend their cause
  • Psalm 82:4 – Rescue them
  • Psalm 82:4 – Deliver them
  • Psalm 113:7 – Lift them up
  • Psalm 68:5 – Be their Father
  • Psalm 68:6 – Give them a home
  • Isaiah 49:15 – Not to forget them
  • Hosea 14:3 – Give them compassion
  • Deuteronomy 10:18 – Give them food and clothing
  • Deuteronomy 10:18 – Give them justice
  • Psalm 10:14 – Be their helper
  • Psalm 140:12 – Secure justice for them
  • Psalm 140:12 – Uphold their cause
  • Exodus 22:22-23 – Will hear them
  • Deuteronomy 14:29 – Give them food
  • Psalm 10:18 – Vindicate them (NASB)
  • Jeremiah 49:11, Psalm 27:10 – Not to leave them
  • John 14:18 – Come to them
  • John 10:3 – Lead them out
  • Isaiah 63:9, Romans 9:15 – Extend mercy towards them
  • Isaiah 37:17 – Incline his ear

Step 3: Earn the Back2Back Ministries Patch

Embarking on earning this Patch will give you the opportunity to hear stories of children Back2Back Ministries has served, learn how belief systems and trauma impacts orphaned and vulnerable children, engage in time with God about His heart for the fatherless, serve children in your community or globally, and be better prepared to serve orphaned and vulnerable children on a short-term mission trip!

This Patch is available to Explorers, Pioneers and Patriots.  Please follow the steps to earning a patch for your Unit Level.

Once you have finished all the steps for your Program Level, your Unit Leader can order the Patch. Click here to order the Back2Back Ministries Patch. You can wear this Patch on the back of your vest or sash.

If you want to learn more about orphaned and vulnerable children, or the opportunity for your Unit to serve on a trip with Back2Back Ministries, visit

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