
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.

Overcoming Fears for a Family Mission Trip

In March, I traveled to Nigeria with my family (and a dozen others) on a missions trip. In the months leading up to the trip, I heard every well-meaning concern (“Are you worried about their safety?” “Isn’t it likely they will get sick?” “Is that the best way to spend money, what can kids offer?”).


Depth of Care in India

In 2011, a shared desire by an educator and Back2Back to help impoverished girls from poor rural areas resulted in a children’s hostel we call Peace Home.


The Wedding Work of Mission

I believe that Christian mission is about joining God in His work to make all things new (Rev. 21:5). As we join God in this work, there is no greater image of the end-goal than that of the wedding supper of the Lamb, when God’s people will be one with Jesus Christ!


Missional VBS Curriculum

Back2Back Ministries is excited to partner with Standard Publishing to offer a brand new missions-focused VBS for 2014. Through the Jungle Safari VBS students can engage in interactive service opportunities that benefit the orphans Back2Back serves in around the world.


Serving Children with Special Needs

This summer, several other occupational and physical therapists and I had the privilege of helping the kids in a special needs children’s home in Mazatlan. Our goal was to evaluate the children and develop treatment plans for them.


Meet Gervens

Gervens grabbed my hand and held it in his, and something indescribable occurred. I felt the deepest love for this little boy and a connection that cannot be explained and I knew this was only the beginning of our friendship.


Fostering Social Development in Orphan Care

As children, we “practice” interacting socially with others, and with society every day. Our world naturally expands as we join sports teams, perform at recitals and plays, meet extended family and travel on vacation.


Each New Day

Articulate, outgoing and personable – fifteen-year old Rubi exudes confidence. She loves people and enjoys helping care for the younger children at the orphanage she calls home.

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