
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.

Rock Pile

Brent Fudge, Director of Back2Back Haiti, has a dream. He dreams of a permanent Back2Back campus in Haiti complete with housing for mission teams, Hope Program students and staff.


Up Against the Chaos

I am heading to Haiti this week for Easter and I can’t help but feel the anticipation of a trip to the front lines. It makes my spirit hum. I love serving the Haitian kids and encouraging the staff there.


Little Moments Bring Change

I love people. I love their stories, and I feel beyond blessed every time someone chooses to share their story with me. By doing so, they’re inviting me into their life, a gesture that feels sacred to me.


Caring for Caregivers

If you’re a parent or work regularly with children, you may have learned how important it is to take time for yourself to refresh and regroup.


Waiting by the Gate

Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. Each afternoon, Back2Back India staff member, Courtney Schreiner, eagerly waits by the gate of the children’s home.


Center of the Circle

These are just a few statements you might hear during a birthday celebration at the children’s homes we partner with in Haiti. Birthday celebrations are not commonly celebrated in Haiti.


Peace and Harmony

I love how children tend to see the world with purity, simplicity and wonder. And I love that my job gives me the opportunity to see the world through their eyes so much of the time.


On Goal

With 29 years experience as a soccer coach, Back2Back staff member, Steve McCollum, is passionate about encouraging children on and off the field.


Tucked Away for Safekeeping

It was a Tuesday morning, like most Tuesday mornings, with breakfast to prepare, uniforms to find, backpacks to organize, buses to board. Tracy, my husband, and I woke up early, so we could meet the children we serve at school.

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