
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.
AllIndiaInspirational LivingNews

Relief for K Bindu

K. Bindu had quietly nursed an ache in her throat for months. Visits to one doctor proved fruitless when her complaints were dismissed. Still, K. Bindu was certain something was not right, so Back2Back staff insisted on a second opinion. This time, the doctor quickly identified the issue. He determined K. Bindu would need her… Read more


Bright Smiles

In an effort to provide holistic orphan care, Back2Back believes dental care is a crucial component in meeting each child’s physical needs. Back2Back is pleased to have Sofia Segura on staff, a resident dentist who works in the clinic full-time.


Preventative Medical Care, by Kathy Couch, Back2Back Monterrey Staff

Childhood is often intertwined with doctor visits.  If all of those doctor visits can sometimes feel overwhelming to a family, just think how they impact a children’s home with dozens of children.  Sniffles turn to colds which can then lead to ear infections.   When left untreated, ear infections can lead to hearing loss, sometimes permanently…. Read more

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