
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.
AllIndiaInspirational LivingNews

All Around the World

Swamy and Madhu are riding bikes. After a day of school, it feels good to be outside playing in the warm afternoon sun. Laughter fills the air as the boys screech to a stop and scramble to the top of the jungle gym. From their view, they can see the entire Back2Back campus. Below Shailaja… Read more

AllInspirational LivingNews

Whatever It Takes

Ganesh struggled to understand his teacher’s explanation. He looked down at his paper, trying to make sense of his homework but grew even more confused. As his academic difficulties continued, 15-year-old Ganesh grew more agitated. His once carefree personality was masked by frustration. Required chores were met with resistance and it seemed even the smallest… Read more


Fifteen Cents

Shashikala’s 11th birthday was quickly approaching, a day she had been anticipating for months. Little did she know, her peers at Back2Back’s Suzuki Samuel Campus were secretly planning and saving their allowance to surprise her on her special day.


One Brick at a Time

Nehemiah tells the story of how the wall around the city of Jerusalem was re-built after a period of destruction and exile. It is a story of a bold plan, of divine provision, of hard work by people with different skill sets, of opposition, of perseverance and ultimately – of hope realized.

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