
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.
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When He Provides a Way

Mariah slowly opens her eyes. Surrounding her, small voices fling hopes high to a Father – and she feels her heartbeat quicken. Ashwini’s black veil carefully covers both her head and Mariah’s, honoring an Indian custom of women covering their faces in prayer. Ashwini prays aloud next to Mariah, praying over her new friend and… Read more


Courage to Take the First Step

Startled by a loud noise, Maria Jose sat up in bed clutching her blanket. Her eyes were peeled wide
open as she tried to make out the dark shadows lining the corners of the room.


Steadfast Love

If we knew everything was going to be alright tomorrow, would we take that adventurous leap more confidently today?


Courage is the Byproduct of Faith

Courage is not the opposite of fear. Courage is the byproduct of faith. It’s surrender and forward motion. It’s a release of control and a holy confidence in a plan bigger than the page you are on. It announces to those paying attention, you are a citizen of another place.


Up Against the Chaos

I am heading to Haiti this week for Easter and I can’t help but feel the anticipation of a trip to the front lines. It makes my spirit hum. I love serving the Haitian kids and encouraging the staff there.


Time to Love Again

This fall, Todd and I were gifted a chance to travel to Israel and Turkey and study under Bible teacher, Ray Vanderlaan. I have dozens of stories I could tell, but I wanted to share my overall impression of Turkey.


Faithful and Available

It was a Saturday like most other Saturdays in our home – full of projects to finish, laundry to do, kids’ events to attend, mouths to feed.

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