Dreams, by Back2Back India

Ashok is a bright, energetic and friendly 12 year old boy at one of the children’s homes served by Back2Back India.

In October 2008, his mother was killed in an accident. His father is a coolie, a manual laborer unloading sand trucks. As a poor widower working long days, he was unable to take care of his children. So Ashok, his sister Maheshwari and younger brother Karunakar were begging daily to live. In May 2009, these three siblings joined the children’s home.

Ashok is very attentive to and protective of Karunakar, a little 4 year old who is often fussy.

Recently a short-term service team from the UK served with us in India. They shared the story of Joseph with the children. (Genesis 37, 39-47:11) As a related craft activity, the children colored construction paper “coats” in many colors.

The next day, the children drew pictures of what their dreams were – what they wanted to be when they grow up. Some wanted to be police officers, others teachers and pastors, and even some doctors.

Ashok helped Karunakar draw the dream of becoming an architect. Ashok then put Karunakar’s dream in the pocket of his own multi-colored coat. When I asked Ashok about his dream, he indicated that it didn’t matter; it was more important that his little brother’s dream come true.

Ashok, Maheshwari and Karunakar are just a few of the many children that Back2Back serves in India. We are providing care for today and hope for tomorrow so that each child can dream a big dream. We pray that just like Joseph, as these children work hard and trust in God that all their dreams may come true.