
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.
AllInspirational LivingMexicoStoriesTransitions Program

The River of Community

Written by Sammy Summerlin, Back2Back Staff Community is like a river, a constant current flowing by countless faces and places. Its path winds us through family gatherings, school assemblies, local restaurants, and neighborhood block parties. Along its banks are different people and life situations, each one building into us through experiences and individual understandings of… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStories

Off to the Mountains

The atmosphere was quiet with the exception of a fire’s crackling and the hushed prayers of five safe adults. The seven teenagers present bowed their heads and closed their eyes, taking in the words being prayed over them, processing all that had taken place over the previous days. Among the seven teens, two were specifically… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoTransitions Program

Taking Bold Steps

Back2Back’s Transition to Independence Program was designed to help students move from living in family-style care to living on their own. They are taught how to budget, how to grocery shop, how to cook for themselves, and managing their day-to-day schedules. Young adults take brave steps out on their own, and they’re never left without… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStories

The Impact of Local Volunteers

The local volunteer initiative in Mexico is one of the most thriving areas of the work being done in-country. Recently, current volunteers attended the film premiere for Sound of Freedom at a local theater. They passed out flyers about an informational meeting to become a volunteer. As a result of their service, several people showed… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStoriesStrong Families

Finding a Greater Understanding

In the last month, local psychiatrist Dr. Carlos Garcia Espinoza has provided several trainings for around 55 people affiliated with Back2Back, including Strong Families parents, 12 Stones staff, and Rancho de los Niños children’s home staff. Dr. Garcia Espinoza is a medical professional and psychiatrist trained in several types of therapies; he came highly recommended… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStories

Making Bold Choices for His Story

Rick Bursey’s phone lit up with an alert. He immediately recognized a familiar face, though it was older now, as he opened the message. It was of a young man in a nursing uniform with a small message below: I wanted to thank you – you’re the only one who believed in my future. In… Read more

AllHope ProgramInspirational LivingMexicoStories

Celebrating What’s Next

The puzzle pieces laid across the tables in front of the four young men. Their house parents stood in before them, speaking words of encouragement and life, telling them the puzzle is a reminder that all the answers to the puzzles of life are found in God and their Bibles. The young men smiled gratefully… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStoriesTransitions Program

To Get Back Up Again

Kate* clocked out at the health food stand she’s long worked at and heads in the direction of home. She smiles to herself, considering all she’s accomplished and how far she had to come to do it.  She arrives at her home, the Back2Back Transitioning to Independence Program house, and settles in for the evening… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStories

Standing Out Among His Peers

Oliver* put a thumbs up in the air with one hand and held his certificate of completion in the other. He completed elementary school and was so excited to share the achievement with this entire family. He was also honored for his high achievements throughout the school year and is now looking toward his next… Read more

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