Farther Down the Path

By Beth Guckenberger

A reckless faith trusts when God leads us down an unknown or lesser desired path. It trusts that the relationships we want to let go of — because they’re too hard or too complicated — are actually being used for his glory, for our sharpening, and for the other’s good. It trusts that this change, though difficult, is right because God sees farther down the path than we do. Vision is the natural by-product of reckless faith because it’s a choice to see ourselves as being woven into a bigger tapestry than we can see today. That vision starts and ends with God. Vision is putting God’s voice on the highest volume in our heads — and then letting go and being led.

Beth Guckenberger is the mother of a bunch of biological, adopted and foster children.  She and her husband, Todd, direct Back2Back Ministries.  Beth is the author of several books on the journey of their life abroad.